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Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Opposes Cap and Trade Bill

(SACRAMENTO) – Today, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Orange County), made the following statement after voting in opposition to the cap and trade bill; Assembly Bill 398 (AB 398).  

Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Supports Bill to Help Brave Women Veterans

(SACRAMENTO) – California is home to approximately 1.8 million veterans, of which 180,000 are female. For various reasons, women veterans are less inclined to seek needed veterans benefits than are their male counterparts. Today, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Orange County), principle coauthor of Assembly Bill 296 (AB 296), announces that the bill passed the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs with bipartisan support. AB 296 will create a task force within California Department of Veteran Affairs (CalVet) to study the health of California’s women veteran population.

'웨스트코요테힐스 녹지 보존' 탄력

Korea Daily

공중에서 촬영된 웨스트코요테힐스 녹지의 모습.   [풀러턴 시 제공]
공중에서 촬영된 웨스트코요테힐스 녹지의 모습. [풀러턴 시 제공]


가주 정부가 오렌지카운티 북부 지역 최대 규모 야생 녹지인 웨스트코요테힐스를 가능한 한, 현재 상태로 보존하려는 풀러턴 시와 환경단체들에 1500만 달러를 지원한다. 

"사무실 건물 벽화로 장식" 쿼크-실바 의원 화가 공모

Korea Daily

섀런 쿼크-실바 가주 65지구 하원의원(민주)이 최근 이전한 지역구 사무실 건물 벽화를 그릴 이들을 찾고 있다. 부에나파크의 유니티 은행 몰 내 오피스를 이용했던 쿼크-실바 의원은 시내 라팔마 애비뉴 6855블록의 단독 건물로 사무실을 옮겼다. 쿼크-실바 의원 측은 예전 학교로 사용됐던 이 건물을 '가주의 과거, 현재, 미래'를 주제로 한 벽화로 꾸미기로 했다. 공모에 응하려면 오는 14일까지 주제에 부합하는 벽화 초안을 이메일(로 보내면 된다. 

Governor Takes Action on Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Request to Assist in Orange County Water Cleanup

Water Plume Fullerton Sharon Quirk-Silva

SACRAMENTO — Earlier last month, Assembly woman Quirk-Silva sent a letter to Governor Jerry Brown concerning the awareness of the a five mile long “plume” of contamination from mainly industrial solvents, which has been found in a portion of our Orange County groundwater known as the “North Basin.” The North Basin located beneath the cities of Fullerton, Anaheim, and Placentia. The Orange County groundwater basin provides 2.4 million people with water, and nineteen cities and agencies draw approximately 75 percent of their water supply from our local basin. 

Sharon Quirk-Silva Celebrates Independence Day on State Assembly Floor, and Encourages Civil Discourse

SACRAMENTO – (Sacramento) – Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva (D – Orange County) stood on the Floor of the Assembly to speak on Assembly Concurrent Resolution 107 (ACR 107), which recognizes, and celebrates, July 4, 2017, and the 241st anniversary of the birth of our great nation and the signing of the Declaration of Independence that this day represents.

“I hope that tomorrow when we’re home in our districts participating in Independence Day festivities, we can share with our constituents the wise words of our founding fathers, encourage political involvement, and foster dialogue between our neighbors,” said Quirk-Silva. “It is up to our state leaders, local leaders, and neighbors to create kinder, gentler discourse.”

Quirk-Silva Bill to Protect California Jobs Becomes Law

(SACRAMENTO) –Assembly Bill 1727 (AB 1727) by Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Orange County) was signed into law, by governor Edmund Gerald Brown Jr.. AB 1727 reformed the Government Code related to Foreign Trade Zones and the California Foreign Investment Program. Foreign Trade Zones are areas within the state where goods may be imported more easily.