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Press Releases

Quirk-Silva Authors Law to Protect Veterans’ Health

(SACRAMENTO) – Today, during Mental Health Awareness Week, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Orange County) announces that Assembly Bill 974 (AB 974) was signed into law, by Governor Jerry Brown. AB 974 will require all counties to submit an annual report to the legislature on Mental Health Services Act spending on clinical services provided to veterans.

“In Southern California and throughout the country many veterans are not going to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) for mental health services, leaving the task of outreach and providing long-term care to a patchwork of local services and private nonprofits,” said Quirk-Silva. “We can no longer look the other way or continue to underfund the mental health care system that our veterans use.”

Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Explores the Future of Career Technical Education

Orange County, California – Today, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, (D - Orange County) hosted a Joint Informational hearing to discuss the future of high school Career Technical Education (CTE).

The hearing covered how the 3-year, $900 million California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant, established as part of the 2015-2016 state budget, has been implemented to expand and enhance district CTE programs. The hearing also discussed the need for ongoing funding to ensure students have access to CTE education that prepares them for well-paying careers in industries like agriculture, energy, manufacturing, construction and engineering, healthcare, hospitality, and more.

Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Honors Sheriff’s Deputy on Assembly Floor

SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk Silva (D-Orange County) and the California State Legislature adjourned in the memory of Michael Leonard Haak, a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy, and resident of Fullerton. Haak began his career with the Sheriff's Department in the fall of 1988 and is survived by his wife, three children, and a sister.

“I rise today to recognize the loss of a member of our Orange County community, and someone that made the State a better place. Deputy Haak was an alumnus from La Habra High School, who went on to serve for 28 years as a member of the Sheriff’s Department.” Quirk-Silva said. “Deputy Haak was a part of the fabric of Fullerton that added to our vibrancy, and sense of community. His loss is felt by many, and I especially want to acknowledge the service and sacrifice of his family that mourn his loss.”

Throughout his career, Deputy Michael Haak served in multiple capacities at an Honor Ranch, several local county stations as a motor officer, and as a Training Officer to help prepare and train newer Deputies to become better officers. Deputy Haak received numerous recognitions and commendations throughout his career, such as the BRAVO award for Traffic Safety Achievements from one of the cities that he served. There are many impacted throughout the state by the tragedy of this fallen peace officer.

Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Leads Way to Protect State’s Children and Families on DACA Repeal

SACRAMENTO — Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva (D-Orange County) released the following statement after President Donald Trump exercised executive authority to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:

“As a teacher for over 30 years, I have devoted my life to ensuring that the children of our great state are protected and treated fairly,” said Quirk-Silva. “Now, many of the DACA recipients have grown up, and we cannot endanger the futures of some of this country’s brightest young minds. Their educations cannot be sacrificed. Their families cannot be torn apart. These Dreamers committed no crimes. These are the innocent amongst us, that cross many ethnicities, and whose parents only wanted to give them a better in our great nation.”

“I am joining with my legislative colleagues to draft a formal resolution that formally urges the U.S. Congress to immediately pass bipartisan legislation that would provide a permanent solution for the nation’s young people.”

Quirk-Silva Leads Efforts to Help California Public Library System

FULLERTON – Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (Orange County) released the following statement after her appointment to the California Public Library Construction and Renovation Board by State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon.

“I am eager to help the board identify the ever-adapting needs of the modern public library. Libraries are important local resources that should be seen as a gathering point for the community, an up-to-date source of information, and a preserve of local history,” said Quirk-Silva. “Libraries also need to stay on the cutting edge of modern teaching philosophies, and incorporate resources that will better assist workforce development in all vocations.”

Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Hosts Orange County Small Business Resource Fair

ORANGE COUNTY - Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva hosted a Small Business Resource Fair on Friday August 25, which took place at a new mall called the Source OC, in Buena Park. It featured over 35/nearly 40 organizations, and programs that offered resources and information for new and growing businesses in the Orange County area. Jesse Torres, the California Small Business Advocate, was the guest speaker at the event. The event also included an entrepreneurial panel and pop-up presentations on business development issues, such as how to use social media to build your customer base.

“We are celebrating small businesses, and the importance of entrepreneurship in developing strong, and economically resilient communities,” said Quirk-Silva. “Our hope in putting this event together is to provide Orange County businesses with a time-efficient opportunity to learn about federal, state, and local resources that are available, to support the their success.”

​​​​​​​Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva Urges CSU to Make Students Budget Priority

SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (Orange County) expressed concern Wednesday that California State University campuses cannot fully justify spending on management staff, after recent audits have found systemic budgeting problems at state schools.

Quirk-Silva, and other lawmakers, made their remarks during a hearing on an audit of CSU staffing and budget oversight.