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Holiday Celebration & toy Drive

Holiday Celebration & Toy Drive

Come discuss legislative issues of interest to the community and learn about services provided by the District Office.

Become a part of a new tradition. Make a difference in a child’s life and help families by donating a new, unwrapped toy. All toys collected will be distributed to local families throughout the Assembly District.

Holiday Open House

Event Date and Time
Thu. Dec, 9 2021 5:00 - 8:00pm

Please join me for my Annual Holiday Open House on December 9! The event will begin at 5:00 P.M. and will have entertainment, refreshments, and holiday joy. I hope you can join us.

RSVP below, or for more information call (714) 525-6515.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Homelessness 101

Come join Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva on Saturday, June 22 from 10-11:30 a.m. at Fullerton College to discuss homelessness in our communities.  The event will take place at 321 E. Chapman Ave. Room 224, please RSVP with our District Office by calling (714) 525-6515 or emailing

RSVP Online

Hosted Eye Clinic - Hana Lions Club

One of the joys of serving our community is the opportunity to work with many wonderful and caring individuals and organizations.
Uno de los placeres de servir a nuestra comunidad es la oportunidad de trabajar con muchas personas y organizaciones maravillosas y cariñosas.

Interfaith Conversation: Finding Common Ground in Divided Times

Join me for an Interfaith Conversation: Finding Common Ground in Divided Times

We must come together and discover what we have in common, and celebrate that, rather than letting the rhetoric of hate divide us.

I am proud to bring leaders of all faiths and communities together for a conversation to help begin the healing process, find common ground, build empathy, and promote respect.

Join Me for a Free Tax Assistance Workshop!

Free Tax Prep Workshop

Free Tacos! Free Tax Prep! Let’s Talk!

Get the help and information you need to build a strong family and financial success! Let's talk taxes and finances, immigration, healthcare, education, housing and employment.

Saturday, Jan. 27


La Palma Community Coffee

You're Invited to a Community Coffee

Come enjoy a cup of coffee, maybe a pastry (or two) and discuss legislative and community issues, get help with a state agency, or just stop by to say hello.

Saturday, March 9
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

La Palma Community Center
King Palm Room

7821 Walker St.
La Palma