- William Pond
- Communications Director
- 916-319-2067
- William.pond@asm.ca.gov

SACRAMENTO, CA - Today, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) celebrated the successful passage through the Assembly Local Government Committee of her bill, Assembly Bill 2433, which addresses the prolonged delays in the building permit process across California. The bill introduces vital reforms to expedite construction and development projects while ensuring adherence to safety
“Unpredictable building permit processing times have created undue hardships and costs on Californians,” stated Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva. “AB 2433 cuts through the red tape in the building permit process by setting reasonable, common-sense deadlines for plan-checking and inspections. It is all about keeping projects moving forward smoothly and providing relief to our local agencies facing challenges in timely permit processing.”
In recent years, the building permit process has been plagued by extensive delays, exacerbated by factors such as the Great Recession, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the retirement of experienced personnel. These delays have imposed significant hardships and costs on applicants, particularly small businesses and projects aimed at providing affordable housing and revitalizing disadvantaged communities.
“Reforming the building permitting process is a practical approach to making our state more economically competitive, creating jobs, and keeping businesses in California,” said Matthew Hargrove, President & CEO of CBPA. “Navigating bureaucratic hurdles is a key challenge not just for the commercial real estate industry, but for anyone trying to do business in California. AB 2433 will address this problem head-on.”
AB 2433 received bipartisan support in its vote during the Local Government Committee. The bill will now advance to the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee for consideration.