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Quirk-Silva Urges Congress to Protect Net Neutrality

For immediate release:

On December 14, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote to adopt what’s known as the Restoring Internet Freedom Order. This order will essentially reverse Net Neutrality. Net Neutrality refers to the Open Internet Order, which was passed in 2015, and reclassified broadband internet service under Title II of the Communications Act—the legal foundation upon which the former administration established “open internet” regulations on internet service providers (ISPs).

Earlier this year, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva voted multiple times in support of Assembly Joint Resolution 7 (AJR 7), which urges President Trump, and Members of Congress to protect Net Neutrality, the federal Lifeline program’s discounted telephone service for qualifying low-income consumers, and the E-rate program’s discounted telecommunication and Internet access services for schools and libraries.

“Without net neutrality, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) become gatekeepers of the web content that is available to customers,” said Quirk-Silva. “This could leave many small businesses without the ability to reach their customers, and many customers without the most favorable choices. Maintaining a competitive free market is essential to a healthy economic system that is unhindered by interference by large ISP corporations.”

Background: The FCC is an independent federal agency overseen by Congress to regulate interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in the United States. The FCC is tasked with promoting the development of competitive networks, as well as ensuring universal service, consumer protection, public safety, and national security.