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Quirk-Silva Urges Greater Funding of Higher Education in State Budget Proposal

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO – Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva (D – Orange County) released the following statement after Gov. Jerry Brown released his initial budget proposal:

“As a teacher for over 30 years, I know that the investments made in education will help Californians find the opportunities they deserve. I applaud the modest funding increases included in the proposed budget for K-12 schools, as well as higher education.”

“We need to continue improving education, by doing so we will reduce the number of Californians living in poverty, and improve their quality of life. I look forward to working with the Governor on these complex issues.”

“As Chair of the Jobs Committee, I support the governor’s efforts to better provide educational and workforce training opportunities to California residents, and I think that workforce depends upon an educated and thriving middle class.”

 “California’s future workforce needs to meet the state’s economic demands. I plan to partner with the governor and my fellow legislators to break down barriers and ensure that our students have an access to an affordable higher education. I will not support Governor Brown’s cuts to the Middle Class Scholarship, which would increase a student’s costs for a four-year education by up to $20,000 at UC, and $9,000 at CSU.”

Quirk-Silva has also issued a letter to the Department of Finance calling on them to provide information about federal funds received by the state in current and prior fiscal years.

"In order to monitor and assess the potential impact of federal policy and fiscal changes on the California economy, it is essential that the Legislature have access to accurate information on the breakdown of current federal funding," said Quirk-Silva.  The 2016-17 Budget approved in June 2016 provided for the expenditure of nearly $96 billion in federal funding. 

"I will be focusing on the impact of the federal budget on California's economy including business development and economic security for California workers."

Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk represents the 65th Assembly District, which includes the Orange County communities of Anaheim, Buena Park, Cypress, Fullerton, Garden Grove, La Palma, and Stanton.